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My academic appointment at Lehigh University started in May of 2012. With the financial support of my endowed professorship, I co-developed the Master of Engineering in Technical Entrepreneurship program for the College of Engineering & Applied Science. After 9+ years of teaching, and co-directing the award-winning graduate program I decided to head back into start-up life and commercial product development.

TE 402: Integrated Product Development Process 2 | 2013 - 2020 (3 credits)
Continuation of TE 401, the parallel development of the product, the development of the marketing and manufacturing system, manufacturing and marketing launch, sales, service, and customer support. Case studies and semester-long team projects. Prerequisites:
TE 303: Methods in Prototyping, Modeling and Testing | 2015 - 2020 (2 credits)Generation of mock-ups and looks-like prototypes, electro-mechanical-optical bread-boards design, fabricate, build and test multiple generations of prototypes, computer modeling methods, shop methods, testing, sensors and data collection.
TE 401.TE 462: Integrated Product Development Projects 2 | 2013 - 2020 (3 credits)
Detailed design specification, fabrication, building and testing prototype new products and plan for production, selection and content of the project is determined by the faculty project advisor in consultation with individual students or student teams. Progress reports and final report, oral and poster presentations. Prerequisites: TE 461 and consent of the program director and faculty project advisor.
TE 302: Methods in Visual Thinking | 2012 - 2014 (3 Credits) | 2015 - 2017 (2 credits) Visualization techniques, visual thinking and envisioning information as taught by Edward Tufte and others, multimedia tools and methods. Appropriate use of technology as applied to new product development (no programming required).
TE 461: IPD Product Development Projects 1 | 2012 - 2014 (3 credits) | 2015 – 2020 (2 credits)
Technical and economic feasibility study of new products. Selection and content of the project is determined by the faculty project advisor in consultation with the student. Progress report, final report, oral and posters presentations. Prerequisites or concurrently: TE 401 and consent of the program director and faculty project advisor.
ME 402 Advanced Manufacturing Science | 2016 (3 credits)
The course focuses on the fundamental science-based underlying manufacturing processes and applying that science base to develop knowledge and tools suitable for industrial utilization. Selected manufacturing processes representing the general classes of material removal, material deformation, material phase change, material flow, and material joining are addressed. Students create computer-based process simulation tools independently as well as utilize leading commercial process simulation packages. Laboratory experiences are included throughout the course.
TE 301: Creativity and Systematic Innovation Methods | 2012 - 2017 (3 credits)
Creativity methods, anthropological research, painstorming, bisociation, the Kano model, the trimming technique, parameter analysis, decomposition, nonlinear design, DeBono's Six Hats technique, biomimicry, lateral benchmarking, Blue Ocean Strategy, the art of tinkering, and other innovation methods. Hands-on labs, individual and team projects.
TE 303: Methods in Prototyping, Modeling and Testing | 2012 - 2014 (3 credits)
Generation of mock-ups and looks-like prototypes, electro-mechanical-optical bread-boards design, fabricate, build and test multiple generations of prototypes, computer modeling methods, shop methods, testing, sensors and data collection.
ENTP / TE 250: Systematic Creativity Techniques | 2014 - 2017 (3 credits)
Systematic creativity methods including anthropological research, painstorming, bisociation, the Kano model, trimming technique, DeBono’s Six Hats technique, biomimicry, lateral benchmarking, Blue Ocean Strategy, and the art of tinkering, along with other innovation methods. This course includes hands-on labs, individual and team projects, and the creation of a creativity portfolio.
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